Friday, November 10, 2006

Sense and Sociability

Well at last some employers seem to be showing sense and I've got some interviews/job leads lining themselves up. It's a good thing.

The other evening I went to south London to visit Ben, Noga, Rachel and Fedelma for dinner. I ended up staying on their futon, it seemed an awfully long way back. Got back here at about 10am in time to have coffee with Will. He brought cookies, which was nice, and told me of some different agencies that I might like to look up.

I then spent the remainder of the day applying for jobs and writing speculative applications like crazy.

Then my friend Tom came round for a drink in the evening and said that his brother - who works for Hodder, needs an assistant. So I'll get onto that today after I've been to Hampstead to pay a check in, find out about parking permits, and drop my CV off at some temping agencies. I might also buy something that might be fun for dinner tonight as Hannah is coming down for the weekend.

I'm not very well though and feel quite coldy and a bit fluey so hopefully that will pass, especially as I have an interview at 10.30am on Monday.

The London experiment is rather fun really. I have a lovely flatmate who is the only other extreme fan of Ethel Merman in England and we have a brilliant pub very close. If I weren't ill I'd be belting and boozing.


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