Monday, November 13, 2006

A few little pork shavings...

I have a stinker of a cold, a really nasty, horrible dreadful cold. I am applying lemsip, vicks, vitamins and Morrissons own brand cough mixture which I'm swigging from the bottle with abandon - it's doing nothing whatsoever, I'm pretty sure it's just glycerin.

I had a lovely weekend. Hannah visited. She likes the flat - well what's not to like - and we had a very chilled couple of days. On Saturday we went to Primrose Hill and had a walk and a coffee in a little place on Regent's Park Lane. We didn't eat there because of a) economy b) there was no meat.

We then went to Morrissons, which is HUGE, and VERY, VERY cheap. I'm set up for a good while now food-wise.

After Morrissions we watched some DVDs and then cooked a Thai Green Curry, which was delicious though a little more spicy than I expected so we washed it down with a glass of milk and returned to the DVDs.

On Sunday we had a rather lazy day which finished with a lovely roast pork dinner and some vegetables which Hannah brought with her from Oxford.

Then Hannah left for Oxford and I started doing some preparation for my interview which was today. The preparation involved getting my clothes sorted, and I decided to shave. Aha, but I suddenly found I'd left my shaver somewhere. Panic ensued. Hannah said later on the phone that I should just go out in the morning and get a disposable razor and some foam and it'd be fine. But I'd never wet-shaved before and didn't particularly fancy dragging three sharp little blades across my face. Hannah told me not to be such a wimp. So I went out the morning, bought the necessary equipment and shaved. It was ok, rather fun in fact and I didn't cut myself at all - so at least I have a sense of acheivement.

I then heavily indulged in lemsip and embarked upon the tube journey. The interview went quite well I think, despite the cold. I really like the sound of the company, what they do, how they work. We'll just have to see how well things progress.

This coming weekend I am in Cambridge for a friend's 21st, they're having a masked ball and Cath is coming back from Belgium for it, and Sally is coming up from Exeter for it so I will be in Oxford and Camridge over the weekend. The following weekend I am going to a book launch in Oxford - so it's all go.

This afternoon I'm investigating temping again and praying that some other job leads will make good. I might have a bacon sandwich for lunch. I am ill, have had an interview and have battled with a wet-shave - I deserve it.


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